Life after Death

Life After Death

Sincere passion


 Lead to creation

                        Duty-bound is true fame


                        Need be in proper frame

Millions come and go


One can have true show

                       Truth is ultimate eternity


                       It is purpose of creativity

Wisdom, acts, examples and life


The truth of person’s real might

                         Person lives in deeds


                         Have grown the seeds

Those help the humanity


Devoid of the cruel vanity

                        Trees grow from graveyards


                        In strength of life afterwards

35 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    The life you live will soon be past,
    The things you do will last.
    There are only two ways to live your life:
    One is as though nothing is a miracle;
    The other is as though everything is a miracle.

  2. 3

    Kavita said,

    Yea.. well said!
    Mortal or Immortal is many a time decided our actions…

  3. 5

    Dr. Prahallad Panda said,

    You also write nice poetry!

  4. 7

    Jingle said,

    super smart words…
    beautiful message..
    Happy Wednesday!

  5. 10

    Jingle said,

    You are represented as fresh poets to explore, yet not a participant until you place your entry in…
    You are invited to attend poets rally week 34, read the agreement and place your link in when you are ready, have fun! Poetry awards are given upon participation on or by Sunday.
    Happy Friday!

  6. 12

    Sumit Sarkar said,

    Awesome… 🙂
    very powerful…

    ” Trees grow from graveyards
    In strength of life afterwards”

    Love these lines… 🙂

  7. 14

    Jingle said,

    have fun!
    visit as many as you can, enjoy the fun!
    Happy Rally…

  8. 15

    Wise.. farsighted.. and so very true. 🙂
    Regards~ Sayan

  9. 17

    Wise observations, Doctor. I like the relationship you paint between truth and creativity.

    “B” is for Bougainvillea

  10. 19

    ashbeezone said,

    Nice observations Doc.
    Take a look on my poetry..

    .. Depths Of My Heart ..

  11. 21

    yes indeed. sincere passion can lead to creation.. of a wonderful life, to a strong life after death. lovely observations, like Ashbee says.. but to word them so beautifully is just amazing 🙂

    Here is my Rally Poem

  12. 23

    A.B. Thomas said,

    nicely done! I loved the line “person lives in deeds”, so acutely perceptive

  13. 25

    Our true selves show in our character, acts and deeds. Powerful sentiment. Thanks for sharing.

  14. 27

    Bernadine said,

    wonderful poem and beautiful sentiments. If we could all live with these thoughts in our heart, to make a difference. 🙂

  15. 30

    Jingle said,

    beautiful piece to be read over and over.
    Thanks for linking.


  16. 32

    ashbeezone said,

    Nice 1 sir ..
    Take a look on mine ..


  17. 34

    belladonna23 said,

    beautiful expression 🙂
    here’s my piece if you want to read it

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